Friday, December 28, 2012

Asphalt Roof Cleaning to Prevent Mold in Port Saint Lucie, Florida

Your roof's main purpose is to provide you and your home's infrastructure with protection from weather, UV rays from the sun, and other natural and un-natural events. Keeping your roof in top shape is important for keeping any maintenance costs to a minimum.

Mold is a very common life form in Florida. Mold can be found growing in all areas and on all exterior surfaces in Port St Lucie and the surrounding areas. One of the easiest places for mold to grow on your home is the roof. Here is where rainfall is best, optimum sunlight for growth, and no one to mind it any attention.

Providing your roof a chemical cleaning service with products specialized for asphalt roofs specifically killing the mold growth and mold spores preventing future mold growth from occurring.

Painting Atist, Inc provides Port St. Lucie and the rest of the Treasure Coast residents with affordable chemical cleaning services targeting the mold. Call today for a free estimate, 772-626-7159.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Winter Painting Savings for Port St. Lucie Residents & remaining Treasure Coast

Give a gift of Color this season!

Have your hubby or deserving family member surprised to come home to a freshly painted home.

Painting Artist, Inc is offering Port Saint Lucie and the rest of the Treasure Coast expanding to the Palm Beaches an incredible winter savings for exterior painting services. Any residential home- Any color - Up to 1100 square feet to be re-painted for only $1250!

We only use high quality and commercial grade equipment to deliver the most superior results in our painting services. Most paint we utilize is guaranteed up to 10 years, 25 years, and even lifetime!

Take advantage of this generous deal- $1250 for Re-painting a residential home of up to 1100 sqft.

This price is for limited amount of work, call our office for further information.

Call Painting Artist, Inc for additional details, 772-626-7159

Monday, December 3, 2012

Find your local painter on Google+

Find Painting Artist, Inc on the latest Social Site Google+.

We like to share daily with homeowners and business owners useful tips and ideas for renovating their home through a painting experience. Join our circle today to stay connected with other folks like yourself re-painting or perhaps painting their home for the first time. Provide our followers with tips you enjoy using and use this as an opportunity to grow your education with painting.

Holiday Specials for Painting, Pressure Washing, Chemical Cleaning

Holiday Deals are now available for Treasure Coast residents in Port Saint Lucie, Fort Pierce, Vero Beach, Jensen beach, Stuart, and South. 

Call Painting Artist, Inc to day to get the current specials for painting, pressure washing, and chemical cleaning services. 

(772) 626-7159

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